Delta Chi Alberta- Alumni Board of Trustees (ABT) 

The purpose of an Alumni Board of Trustees (ABT) is to promote the long-term stability and existence of the undergraduate chapter. 

We are an advisory and supervisory group of dedicated individuals who aim to enhance the experience of Delta Chi. 

Our primary responsibilities are to advise the undergraduate chapter on their operations and finances as well to help with membership development and risk management. 

We offer guidance on topics as diverse as public relations, member recruitment and education, leadership training, scholarship and the education and training of associate members. 

Under Delta Chi Law- the ABT has the following powers: 


Fiscal management is a focal point of the ABT. Advice and support is expected and essential to the operation of a successful undergraduate chapter. 

The ABT approves the chapter’s budget, reviews accounts receivable and payable and works with the chapter treasurer (D) to ensure the fiscal health of the organization. 


The ABT is responsible for assisting the chapter in maintaining high academic standards. 


Both the undergraduate chapter and the ABT possess the ability to remove chapter officers from office. This enables the ABT as well as the chapter to ensure that their executive officers and committee chairmen are reaching their full potential and that their duties are fulfilled. 


The ABT plays a role in determining whether a student member can be granted inactive status. An inactive member is prohibited from participation in chapter events from social activities, sports programs, residing in the chapter house, voting at chapter meetings, holding chapter office and representing the organization in any capacity. 


The ABT by a majority vote may request the expulsion proceedings be initiated by the Board of Regents of the Delta Chi Fraternity against a member of the organization for the reason of indebtedness to the chapter. 

The Alberta Alumni Board of Trustees is a separate organization from the Alberta Chapter of Delta Chi 

The Alberta Alumni Board of Trustees is composed of: 

ABT President- Bennett Polack 

ABT Financial Advisor- Gareth Swinnerton 

ABT Secretary- Matt Wagg 

ABT Webmaster- Sean Partridge 

Chapter Advisor (BB)- Paul Welke 

Delta Chi Alberta Housing Society President- Corbin Lunger 

The ABT also includes the Chapter President (A), Chapter Treasurer (D) and the Chapter Alumni Relations (E). 

ABT members are elected to the Board by the undergraduate chapter. Executive positions within ABT are determined internally by ABT. 

Our mission as an ABT is to aid and advise the undergraduate chapter by using the benefit of our Fraternity and life experiences. 

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